About Me

I have been cooking my way through life for over 50 years, beginning with mud pies as a child. I've turned a corner now and feel a Renaissance in my life. Recipes and Random Thoughts is my personal spin in a blog about how to prepare good food and how it prepares you for life. I want to share with you, honest to goodness food punctuated with perspective from the special memories and moments that have marked my journey.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Easy Apricot Jam

I'm enjoying my morning coffee by the lake with a little toasted brioche and a generous dollop of apricot jam.  I love cooking with seasonal fruits and apricots aren't available often in my part of the country.  It doesn't take much to turn them into jam.  Besides a breakfast treat, this versatile jam work with a thumbprint cookie and mixed with a bit of dijon mustard, makes a tasty glaze on chicken or pork.  It has just the right amount of tangy sweetness. Yum!

3 pounds apricots (about 21)
3 cups sugar
1 tbls lemon juice

Wash and pit apricots.  Put half in food processor and pulse until evenly chopped. About 15 pulses.  Remove to large dutch oven.  Do the same with the rest of the apricots.  Add sugar to dutch oven and mix with fruit.  Add lemon juice.  Cook over medium heat stirring often until sugar is dissolved and jam thickens.  Pour into clean jars.  Makes about 1 quart.

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